Introducing myself
Although I was born in Biloxi, MS, I call Murphy, NC my hometown. Murphy was where I graduated high school, and where I have lived longer than anywhere else. I have recently re-located to the Greenville area, where I plan to stay and eventually start a family.
My Technical Background
By trade, the majority of my technical background is that of avation. After two years of training at Guilford Tech., I received my FAA Aircraft Mechanics License and worked in the airline industry for over 5 years. I loved the work, but weary of the layoffs that come with this type of work, I decided to become self-employed.
After five years serving Murphy, NC, I bring my business to Greenville and hope to continue my success here.
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Over Five Years a Handyman!
In the last five years, I don't think two days have ever been the same. Certainly, this job is NEVER dull!
Please feel free to call on me at any time, day or night.....even just to ask a question! I always say: "there are no stupid questions" and I mean it! If answering a question for you in the middle of the night gives you peace of mind....than I've done my job......
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